Great Bay Blvd. survey 11-21-07

I took a quick ride out to GBB on Wed., Novemeber 21st (2:30-4:30pm) to enjoy the mild weather (up'r 60's, sun w/ clouds, light SW winds). The tide was incoming. HT for Shooting Thorofare was 4:53pm.
Species seen were: SBD (1), SPP (3), LYL (3), GYL (4), a group of 100** Dunlin; a group of 7 Dunlin & a group of 8 unidentified (hidden in grass & hindered by direct sunlight) but most likely Dunlin. Also a flying group of 100** unidentified, again probably Dunlin.

Also seen: 1 Common Loon, 1 GBB Gull, 3 N. Harriers, 1 Belted Kingfisher, 1 GB Heron & 3 Gr. Egrets.

A Flash slideshow can be found at the link below...
